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Fans of Joey W. Hill

Fans of Joey W. Hill - Registration Agreement Terms

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...... Greetings and hello to you from your new forum Administrators and Moderators. The above rules are the host servers request, but before you join us we wanted to share a couple other announcements and guildlines with you real quick. 1) As you can see already, before completing your registration, the general forums are already open to you for posting. However, registering will not only make you a member here but it will also unlock several other forums for you. These forums are not restricted, not censored and are not suitable for young eyes. For those of you who are new to Joeys sensual world, as in have never read her works but are here because she has perked your interest and you want to know more, our Author Mistress is a writter of Erotica. Language, heavy sexual content and BDSM play is all included. So, if you can find it in Joeys books you're going to find it here. Therefore if you are under the age of 18 we recommend staying within the forums in the "Welcome Center" and "The Cauldron" True we can't stop you from going anywhere you wish if you are under aged, so consider yourself officially warned as to what you'll be stepping into. 2) There will be no slamming of any of our board members. If you don't like someone or what is being said some place in the forums.. MOVE ON! The same thing goes for writting. Some of our members contribute fan fiction stories and other special works based on Joeys concepts for our entertainment. If you don't like it, don't have anything nice to say... MOVE ON! Constructive critique is encourgaged, even by Joey herself, but there is a big difference between critique and bashing. This rule will not be compromised in any way for anyone. A first offence will get you addressed by the moderators, a continued (second) offence will see you banned from the board. 3) This board is FAN OWNED and OPERATED. BUT... Joey does come and visit us as often as her hectic writting schedule will allow her. However, due to her writing schedule, the Author Mistress does not visit the forum except at scheduled times. Depending on where she is in her writting it could be a couple of days before she can reply to you, but don't think she hasn't seen you. If we want her to keep putting out more books she needs the time..... But she would love to hear from all of you and she will answer back just as soon as time allots for it. If you want to ask her questions, make comments or just say hello she welcomes it with open arms. Best place to do these things is in the forums marked "Unlaced" This is Joeys own section of the board and one she watches. You want to reach her, this is the best way to do it. Further words and instructions will be posted in these forums for you to review if you need to. 4) Lastly..... and this rule is the most important one of all......... HAVE FUN!! Any questions, comments or concerns please direct them to our Mistress' of the Boardroom (Our Staff) They're here to help and make your stay with us as enjoyable as possible. On behalf of our Admins, Moderators and Joey, WELCOME TO THE MADNESS!!